Campfires, Costumes, and Keeping It Real: A Slice of Homeschool Life

Well, we didn’t even attempt the Iron Man helmet. Instead, last year’s trusty Captain America costume made a comeback-though not by my choice! The shield has definitely seen better days, but according to my nine year old, that just means he’s “Civil War Captain America” now. Sometimes, your hopes and your kid’s aspitations don’t exactly line up.

We managed one last camping trip with friends for the season, and let me tell you, it was a chilly one! The temperature dropped to 37 degrees that first night, something we hadn’t experienced in our big tent before. But honestly, it wasn’t as bad as expected- a few extra layers, a good fire, and we were fine.

As for camp foods, we didn’t skimp: mashed potato cups with diced taco chicken and shredded cheese, homemade pork chili, jalepeno cheese brats, hot dogs, bananas, grapes, blueberries, and marshmallows. There’s is something about eating well under the starts that makes those freezing nights worth it.

It’s been a whirlwind week. We went trick-or-treating at Miakonda, got in that final camping trip, and met up with our co-op-that’s-not-a-co-op at Maumee Bay for a few hours of outdoor play. ( Yes, the “cop-op” that’s not officially a co-op because, well, homeshoolers can’t resisit rebranding.)

Oh, and speaking of helpful activities, I’m learning that weight-loss programs are apparently out of our budget. I’d love the support, but at a $50 copay every week for three months, it’s just tooo much. Life may be a marathon of baby steps, but some days, I wish for a burst of speed to get to the good stuff. The rough patches never seem to need an invitation-they come barreling in like a wrecking ball.

Maybe another coffee-and-tacos day with the other moms will help. Then again, probably not. I know I need to get a handle on some things.

I’m starting to worry about how social my son is (or isn’t). Yes, I know I’m always saying that homeschoolers turn out fine in the end, but I still worry! This life can be a grind, and self-doubt is real, especially when your doing things differently than everyone around you. Sometimes it feeels like even the simplest things, like birthday parties, turn into internal debates. Society has us convinced that we need to throw these elaborate parties, but I try and teach my son that experiences are a better way to spend money. Still, he wants a Sky Zone birthday. I don’t wat to say no, but…why?

And don’t get me started on kids that “want to play” but they don’t actually want to play with him. Different strokes for different folks, I guess, but come on- just be honest and say you’re not interested. The “I have to go clean up” excuse is bull.

Another thing we’re working on is sharing. Yes, my son is nine, and yes, we’re sill working on this. Last week , he was upset when another kid wouldn’t share, so i reminded him of that moment at Maumee Bay, when he wasn’t exactly being generous with someone else’s toys. Homeschooling tip: keep a stash of beach toys and park gear in your vehicle becaue your never know what kind of play the day will lead to. And you won’t have to worry about yoru kid taking over someone elses shovel.

Honestly, I’m all over the place with this blog. There are so many things I want to share- homeschooling, food, travel, ,making life work on a shoestring budget, health, and mabe even some side hustles for a full-time homeshcool mom. Lately, I’ve been thinking about becoming a travel agent. What would you all like to read about?

As for next week, we’re preparing for a cabin trip with “cheeseburger” theme for the food. I’m already planning cheeseburger tacos, and if it’s cold, maybe a cheeseburger soup. I feel like I should incorporate some chicken in there somehwere-anyone know of a good chicken cheeeseburger recipe?

Halloween is pretty much set. We’ll be with friends for a co-op meet-up during the day, then in the evening, it’s chili and trick-or-treating with more friends. I still can’t believe this holiday has morphed into spending on costumes just to collect candy our kids don’t need. And while I’m not anit-candy, i do think it’s a bit out of control. Our son even has a bad reaction to some candies, and-trust me-the midnight cleanup is no fun. He recently went almost three months without getting sick, then ate a bunch of Laffy Taffy. That was a fun night.

So, if you’ve made it this far through my scattered thoughts, thank you. Sometimes, a mama just needs to get it all out. If you’ve got something to get off your chest, feel free to drop me a a line or paragraph. We’re in this together!

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